Gordon Food Service Is Helping Disabled Children Living at Home

Gordon Food Service is bringing kids with muscular dystrophy closer to their dream of going to virtual summer camp.

Gordon Foundation’s “Welcome Home to Camp: Learning and Mobility” fundraising campaign will take children with muscular dystrophy into August 2017 where the topics will include how to walk, talk, and play.

“Emma’s Choice” is one of eight camps in the series of six that are themed “Yes Man” while the goal is to raise $1.7 million.

Emma’s Choice is one of eight camps in the series of six that are themed “Yes Man” while the goal is to raise $1.7 million. The theme of “Emma’s Choice” is “Create change for her school and beyond” and she will visit Isaac Mizrahi’s home while staying with his son.

The goal of “Welcome Home to Camp: Learning and Mobility” fundraising campaign is to raise $1.7 million.

Donations from Gordon Food Service will help defray the costs for trips like the Mosk Park Virtual Camp, which will set kids up with computer stations, tutoring, writing forums, and more.

“Whether they’re unable to speak or speak with a specialist, the physical changes to the kids’ bodies are an emotional and profound experience,” said Linda Jack, a Gordon Food Service director. “We know what it’s like to struggle and thrive with physical limitations but only if we have time to touch, feel, and have children experience them in a way they couldn’t while confined in a hospital room.”

More information on the “Welcome Home to Camp: Learning and Mobility” campaign and to make a donation can be found at GordonFoodService.com.

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